Ajj supnyan par phailaye;
Kujh chanan leekan han nachian;
Kujh ku parchhavein thar-raye;
Mann di antrekh de upar;
Soohe, saleti, tittar khambhiaye;
Ajj khyal tere ghir aaye;
Jindoo supne sheek udaye!!!
tittar khambhiaye=dappled clouds;antrikh=horizon
(All the poems published in this blog are copyrighted.Any infringement will be severely dealt with. However any request for reprint shall be considered.
I do not hold any rights to the images. They belong to their rightful owners.Daman)
1 comment:
Mann di antrekh de upar;
Soohe, saleti, tittar khambhiaye;
Ajj khyal tere ghir aaye...
Papa jee ki aakhan.Mann di antrekh de upper ,soohe ,saleti....bahut khoob.
bout kujj sikhna hai thuwaade kolo.
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